COPE 2014 Manifesto South Africa

April 6, 2014 at 21:18 Leave a comment

Please find the full version copy of the COPE 2014 manifesto as pdf file under the link COPE_2014_Manifesto.


Congress of the People Manifesto

IN OUR 2009 MANIFESTO we said that South Africa needed a government of the people…with leaders who are honest servants of the people…with respect for values and the principles of the South African people….a growing economy…ensuring sustainable development… educating and training our people for development…improving the quality of healthcare…fighting crime and ensuring safety for all citizens…advancing the African Agenda and creating a better world.
TODAY WE REITERATE WHAT WE SAID IN 2009, only this time we say it with a greater sense of urgency and the certainty that the vast majority of the people of our country will agree that SOUTH AFRICA DESERVES A BETTER GOVERNMENT…with leaders who are honest servants of the people, who have respect for values and the principles of the South African people, meet their promises of service delivery and lead and create conditions for a growing economy and sustainable development, a world class education system, quality and universal healthcaare, fight crime and ensure safety and security for all in human settlements that are conducive to building social cohesion, a better South Africa and therefore place us in a better position to contribute to advancing the African Agenda and creating a better world.
IN 2009 WE SAID THAT SOUTH AFRICA NEEDED a government of the people and that there was a need to inspire South Africans to build a better South Africa.
We are reminding you that YOUR VOTE CAN DELIVER IT!
Today we are asking you to see that YOUR COUNTRY
TODAY we are calling on you to SAVE SOUTH AFRICA.

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ANC 2014 Manifesto South Africa DA 2014 Manifesto South Africa

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